9:30 Welcome and introductory remarks 9:45 Alan Coffee (KCL) and Sandrine Bergès (Bilkent): "'Cocks on Dunghills': the Women's Revolution" Respondent: Bensu Arican 11:00: Tea & Coffee for speakers (Old Committee Room)
11:30 Panel 1 - Minority and Philosophers of Colour 11:30 Valeria Stabile (Bologna) - " This is not a love poem. The contribution of Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz to the philosophical debate about love" 12:00 Serena Vantin (Pisa) "From moral equality to legal equality. Sarah Moore Grimké's 'Letters on the Equality of Sexes'. 12:30 Tess Payongayong (U of the Philippines) " Filipino Women’s Philosophy throughout History" 13:00 Lunch for speakers – Old Committee Room 14:00 Panel 2 - Wollstonecraft and Friends 14:00 Martina Reuter (Jyvaskyla) "Did Women Contribute to the Invention of Autonomy?" [14:30 Spyridon Tegos (Crete) "Petrifying Sympathy; Wollstonecraft and Adam Smith"] 14:30 Arman T. Niknam (Aarhus) ‘Extreme Credulity’ and Open Eyes: Mary Wollstonecraft’s Sense of Distrust and Trust'
15:00 Break – Tea & Coffee for speakers (Old Committee Room) 15:30 Helen McCabe (Nottingham) "Harriet Taylor Mill and On Liberty" 16:00 Ross Caroll (Exeter) " “I’m More Political Than Alexis Himself”: Mary Mottley, Madame de Tocquevil" 16:30 Serena Mocci (Bologna)"Education as a social reform in Margaret Fuller’s thought" 17:00 Short break 17:15 Penny Weiss (St Louis) (respondent İkrime Yıldırım (Canakkale 18 Mart): " Toward a History of Feminist Epistemology" 18:30 Wine Reception
Panel 1: Premoderns (River room) 11:45 Julia Lerius (Paderborn)“The soul in the body is like sap in a tree” – reconsidering Hildegard of Bingen’s philosophical perspective on the body and soul relation. Some impulses for future discussions” 12:15 Mary Anne Case (Chicago Law) " Medieval Women’s Contributions to Ongoing Debates in Theological Anthropology" 12: 45 Hadley Cooney (Wisconsin-Madison) "Christine de Pizan and the Possibility of Virtue". Panel 3: Logic, Science and Metaphysics (S3.05) 11:45 Olivia Brown (Husserl Archives) "Sense and Sensibility: Mary Shepherd on Sensible Objects" 12:15 Tricia Van Dyk (Lithuania) " Inside/Outside the (Philosophy of) Sciences" 12:45 John Hanson (Notre Dame) "Du Châtelet on Divisibility" 13:15 Lunch for speakers (Old Committee Room) 14:15 Parallel sessions Panel 2: Early modern (River room) 14:15 Allauren Forbes (Penn) " Astell on Bad Custom and Epistemic Injustice" 14:45 Simone Webb (UCL) " Philosophy as a Way of Life : Damaris Masham, Mary Astell and the Art of Living for Women across Time" 15:15 Manjeet Ramgotra (SOAS) " The critical voice of women in eighteenth-century western political thought" Panel 4: Early Analytic (S3.o5) 14:15 Frederique Janssen-Lauret (Manchester) "Founding Mothers of Analytic Philosophy: The Early Influence of Female Logicians and Metaphysicians" 14:45 Sophia Connell (Birkbeck) " Alice Ambrose and early analytic Philosophy" 15:15 Rafal Kur (Jagiellonian University, Krakow)" Women’s contributions to the achievements of the Lviv-Warsaw School." 15:45 Coffee Break (River Room) 16:15 Marguerite Deslauriers (McGill) "The Conceptualization of Masculine Power as Unjust: Tyranny in 17th C Venice" 17:15 Event to close. External dinner for speakers.